Stephanie Williams, affectionately known as “Breuklynn Steph,” is a passionate promoter for Ultimate Soul Escape (USE). Her journey began with hosting her 35th high school reunion, which introduced her classmates to the joys of group travel. Since joining the USE team in January 2023, Stephanie has brought her vibrant personality and love for travel to every endeavor, creating unforgettable experiences for travelers.
A proud mom and seasoned professional, Stephanie has dedicated 28 years to the City University of New York (CUNY) and is eagerly preparing for retirement to embrace her passion for full-time travel. With an eclectic circle of lifelong friends, she exemplifies the power of connection and shared adventures.
Stephanie envisions USE becoming the premier Black travel promotion team in the industry, and her enthusiasm, dedication, and unique perspective make her an invaluable part of the team’s evolution.